He can be super silly. He likes to have fun and not afraid to try anything!

He has a strong testimony of the church. He makes the right choices and he makes us very proud.

He likes to hang out with the boys and watching sporting events with them.

He is a great son. He and his dad can talk sports. He never fails to give me a hug in the morning or at night. He is also very protective of his little sis!

He loves his family and we love our Judeer. We hope you had a great b-day and we hope this year is a great one as you prepare for your mission. I love you Jd!
Wow your kids have continued to grow up beautiful. Looks like you guys are doing what we all do…living life and rolling with it. Love the pics, so fun to see everyone. Our blog address is grannyandgrumpysgrandcentral.blogspot.com
Good to see you today. Maybe we really can get together sometime.
Ooops. Sherry and Richard Harmon. I forgot to tell you who grand central station was. silly me.
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