July 22th my boy turned the big 18! Here he is modeling his football jersey. I got his orginal jersey that he wore all three years and I am going to frame it.

For is b-day we went to applebees with brothers and sisters and his grandparents. We enjoyed happy hour there and then we went bowling. We had a blast bowling and I do have to say that the first round I beat everybody. I had the highest score. Jd had fun and so did everyone else. We then went back to the house where some of his friends came over and we had cake and ice cream while he openend his presents. Overall it was a good night.

He is a great uncle and a good example to them. They sure love Jd and enjoy playing around with them. He loves them all too. They all like to swim together and jump off of Jd's shoulders. (Some of the kids are missing)

His sisters love their little brother. He is always willing to give hugs (even stinking sweaty ones).
He likes to goof around with them and tease them. They wouldn't have it any other way!

What can I say. He gave us many nights of excitement. He was fun to watch and we will miss seeing him out on the field. Did I mention that he was a great player too.
Love your blog Julie! Good work!
Happy Birthday Jd. Wow, I can't believe Colton and JD or 18 and getting ready to turn in their mission papers...I don't know how I feel about it, but they will be awesome! haha We love you guys and miss you!
I don't know if you remember me or not but I used to be one of your Grandma's young women. My name is Leah and I totally remember you. It was fun stalking your blog. I love this blogging world. We have one too but it's private. If you remember me and want to get back in touch email me your address and I'll invite you. You have a beautiful family.
MOM CHANGE MY ADDRESS TO bradleyfamily6.blogspot.com JUST CHANGE THE 10 TO A 6!
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